Interregional Bicycle Tourism Planning

Interregional Stakeholders Meeting and Workshop May 25, 2021 Zoom Meeting ID Below, 5:30pm
What’s your wish list for the future of bicycling in California? Share your ideas, via Zoom, at our final Interregional Cycling Tourism Community Outreach Workshop and Stakeholder Meeting. We will discuss proposed Showcase Cycling Destinations and potential bike trails.
The Interregional Bicycle Tourism Study, a project of Caltrans has identified five showcase areas and three bike trails in the Central Valley, the Motherlode and the Sierra on which to focus plans to make cycling safer, more comfortable, and more fun.
San Joaquin County: Woodbridge/Lodi Area
The Lodi wine region has a high degree of existing infrastructure to support tourism from the Lodi Wine & Visitor’s Bureau and previous efforts undertaken by local community organization Bike Lodi, including efforts to map routes for visitors arriving to the community on bicycle.
Potential Bike Trail: East Bay Municiple District Bikeway from Stockton to Lake Camanche
Stanislaus County: Oakdale/Knights Ferry
The roadways traveling from and around Oakdale offer incredible scenery en route to the historic destinations around Knights Ferry.
Potential Bike Trail: River Bike Trail
Calaveras County: SR-4 Murphys - Angels Camp
The segment of State Route (SR) 4 stretching from Murphys to Angels Camp offers access to multiple tourism destinations ranging from caverns to wine tasting rooms.
Proposed Bike Trail: Angels Camp to New Melones
Tuolumne County: Jamestown-Columbia-Sonora Loop
Tuolumne County offers several top contenders for bicycle tourism – perhaps the most of any County within the study area.
Alpine County: Safety on State Routes
Alpine County is unique among the five counties of this study. It has the smallest population – less than 1,200 people per Census data – which more than triples each summer when the Death Ride takes place and brings its riders and associated spectators along. While certainly a popular event, improvements along the many mountainous routes and passes the route covers can improve safety for those seeking to cycle the roadways outside of the organized event, or create opportunities for additional road cycling events
We need your help to learn as much as we can about these Showcase and Trails. We’re relying on you, an actual cyclist who has ridden the roads, know the proposed bike trails, and to tell us what needs to change and what that change should look like. We want our proposals to reflect the experience and needs of bicyclists and lead to real progress in making Northern California a premier cycling destination.
You will join other stakeholders—recreational cyclists, business owners, tourism, civic leaders, and government officials—who all want to encourage cycling for a better local economy, and a healthy resource for residents and visitors alike. We strongly encourage you to participate in this exciting and ground-breaking opportunity to shape the future of cycling recreation in Northern California.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to others you feel may be interested. If you know someone we ought to invite, please send me their contact information.
Agenda items for the upcoming Cycling Tourism Workshop and Stakeholders Meetings
Identify Priority Routes/Trails: Share the proposed routes/trails and seek suggestions
Identify Priority Improvements: Seek input on which potential improvements are highest priorities.
Identify Bicycle Tourism Regional Assets: Gather input from the community and other stakeholders about recreational, historical, culinary, and other attractions that would be useful in promoting the region to bicyclists.
Make your voice heard! We look forward to your input.
Interregional Stakeholders Meeting and Workshop
Time: May 25, 2021 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 837 1043 6573
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Rob Williams
CalBike Outreach Manager